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Student Emergency Grant

Grant Information


  • An “emergency” is a short-term situation, beyond the student’s control, 在申请期间发生威胁到他/她的家庭和/或威胁到他/她继续在OPE电子竞技官网学习的能力的事件.
  • All other resources, including Student Financial Aid, must have been considered and are insufficient, unavailable, or not available in a timely manner.
  • 只有紧急性质的开支才会被认为是对这笔赠款的适当使用. 费用必须是在请求援助的季度内发生的.
  • Approved grant requests will be paid directly to the vendor. No payments will be made directly to the student.


  • Enrolled in the current academic quarter.
  • 在攻读学位的课程中修满六个或更多的季度学分.
  • 在请求协助前至少成功完成一个季度.
  • Student is only eligible for a grant once.

学生紧急补助金可以服务的学生人数取决于资金的可用性. Because there is a limited amount of funding available, 任何学生/家庭的最高资助金额不超过$1,500.


Who qualifies for assistance from the Student Emergency Grant?

The Student Emergency Grant application is open to local and out-of-state; domestic (non-international) students, including both DACA and undocumented, 谁正面临着阻碍他们继续攻读学位的紧急情况. Student needs to be:

  • Enrolled in the current academic quarter.
  • 在攻读学位的课程中修满六个或更多的季度学分.
  • Student is only eligible for a grant once.

What types of expenses does the Student Emergency Grant cover?

学生紧急补助金可以支付学生面临的一些费用和情况. Examples include:

  • Rent/short-term housing costs
  • Utility bills (electric, gas, etc.)
  • Unexpected medical bills
  • 有盗窃或损坏课本和/或其他重要学术物品的证明
  • Loss of academic tools from fire or theft
  • Dislocation from home due to domestic violence or natural disasters
  • Temporary job loss
  • Unexpected childcare costs to cover academic periods
  • Other (as approved by the review committee)



  • 法律费用(离婚或子女监护案件、民事或刑事案件等).)
  • Credit card bills
  • Late fees, service fees, and fines on the student’s account
  • 学费, fees and books
  • Routine car maintenance expenses (such as oil changes, 过滤器), mechanical repairs (engine/transmission replacement), vehicle insurance, or purchase of a vehicle
  • 以前欠OPE电子竞技官网或其他学院/大学的债务或逾期余额


At this time, international students do not qualify. If this policy changes, we will communicate this.

Do I need to be a full-time, degree-seeking student?

才有资格申请学生紧急补助金, 你必须是目前正在攻读OPE电子竞技官网学位的学生,并且在提出申请之前至少有一个成功的季度. 然而, full-time enrollment is not required. 在你寻求帮助的那个季度,你必须至少修满6个学分.


A specific amount of credit hours already obtained is not required. There is not a specific minimum GPA; however, 你必须保持并达到SAP(学术进步标准)才有资格. This will vary by program and career level.

How do I apply for an emergency grant?

我们鼓励有兴趣申请紧急拨款的学生与 OPE电子竞技官网 Advocacy Counselor 讨论他们目前的紧急情况和可用的社区资源. 在完成申请之前,学生必须探索其他形式的支持或解决方案. 学生必须用尽所有其他支持手段,但仍然无法在到期日之前支付经济义务.

What does the application consist of?

The application is an online form. There are questions pertaining to personal/demographic data, academic information and financial information, and a personal statement by you, the student, 清楚地定义你目前面临的紧急情况,以及它是如何阻止你继续上学的. 附件部分可用于上传支持或附加文档. No references/recommendations are needed.


如果你不确定申请中被问到或要求的是什么, you may reach out to an OPE电子竞技官网 Advocacy Counselor for assistance.


Once the funds are exhausted, 在我们获得更多资金之前,不会考虑其他请求.

What is the application deadline?

The application is open as long as funding is available. 学生必须在申请助学金的那个季度注册.

How many times can I apply for and receive an emergency grant?



From the time of application submission, the review process can take up to 4 business days for a decision, unless an urgent decision is warranted. 如果需要紧急决定,您将在24-48小时内收到决定. 然而, if the application is received after normal business hours, on the weekend, or during a holiday, 这个过程将在下一个工作日开始,这可能会延迟决定.


If approved, 您将通过您的学生电子邮件帐户收到通知,其中包含要支付的批准费用的详细信息以及可能需要支付的任何其他信息的要求. OPE电子竞技官网 will mail out check(s) to appropriate vendors for payment. OPE电子竞技官网 will not make any checks payable directly to students.



Do I have to pay the Emergency Grant back?

No, 只要你满足补助金的所有条件,紧急补助金就不必退还给世纪挑战集团, which is specific to each student’s situation.

What is the likelihood my situation will be approved for a grant?

在决定你的情况是否会被批准接受紧急拨款时,有许多因素需要权衡. First, there must be grants available in the account to award. Second, you must meet the qualifications to apply. Once qualified, 在申请和任何补充文件中提供的信息的质量将具有重要意义. Additionally, 学生的学位进度(你离完成学位/授予学位有多近), SAP status (Standards of Academic Progress), and financial situation will all be considered.

Apply for the Student Emergency Grant